
Joining our movement team means becoming a part of a dynamic community that embodies the spirit of creative expression, freedom, and connection. Here's why you should join the movement

  • Unleash Your Creativity:

    We are passionate about nurturing and celebrating your unique artistic vision. As a member of our movement team, you'll have the freedom to explore, innovate, and express yourself through your craft, whether it's through the mesmerizing art of lotus poi, dance, or any other form of movement.
  • Community and Support:

    We're more than just a team; we're a family. By joining us, you'll be surrounded by like-minded individuals who share your passion for flow arts and artistic expression. Together, we provide unwavering support, encouragement, and a sense of belonging that empowers you to reach new heights in your artistic journey.
  • Impact and Outreach:

    As part of our team, you'll have the opportunity to make a positive impact by spreading the beauty of flow arts and movement. We're dedicated to community outreach, events, and initiatives that bring the joy of creative expression to a wider audience, helping more people discover the magic of flow.

Dustin Wilson

Hello! I am Dustin Wilson, aka Kryptic_Movement. As a co-owner of SacredDesigns, flow arts have been my guiding light for six transformative years. Flow arts took me out of a darker past, offering me a path of self-discovery and healing. I've dedicated three years to performing and teaching, and I am fully insured, driven by the belief that flow is freedom of expression in its purest form.

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Shiny Obi Wan

Hello, I'm Shiny! I flow to improve my body and mind daily, mainly to keep myself fit and healthy. I have been spinning poi for about 4 to 5 years. It's a very fun hobby to get into. I recommend it to anyone.

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Lotide is a fluid, mysterious, illuminating being, somehow encased in the form of movement. She portrays goofiness, daintiness, and warmth within every toss of a prop. Her first prop was poi 9 years ago, she started spinning fire 5 years ago. An advocate for safety, she then went on to pick up double hoops, palm torches, russian fans, duel swords, and even a trident. She is the founder of Free Fall Flow Troupe, a troupe spread across the east coast. She also flow directs multiple festivals. This dynamic divine being will leave you with emotions that otherwise cannot be articulated.

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Josh Nelson

My name is Josh Nelson and i spin poi. Ive been flowing for about 5 years now. Poi came into my life pretty late but better late then never. It has made such a positive impact on so many aspects of my life: it has taught me discipline, helped me become more in touch with myself and the person i want to be and connected with me with so many incredible humans including some of my best friends and my beautiful girlfriend. It is my certainly my favorite art form and has been there for me in the hardest of time as an healthy outlet that never seems to disappoint. I got into poi during a tough part of my life. I have dealt with a lot of addiction throughout the years, having been addicted to just about every narcotic out there. I certainly have a fire inside of me that can either be used to shine light on others and fuel my soul in a positive way, or it can burn out if control and cause
havoc and destruction. Poi has helped to control this fire rather than having it controlling me and i am eternally grateful for all the beauty it has brought in my life. It is extremely special to me🤍

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Jenna Moshes

My name is Jenna although I go by LeafyWindz🍃 Flow both saved and changed my life by helping me find a community of like minded people who constantly loved me and pushed me into art. I never would have been comfortable in my skin if it wasn’t for the love and movement of poi and I am grateful for the path that led me right here.

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Zach King

I am Zach King. I started flowing with poi to get through a rough time in my life. Poi is a hobby and a way of life. It keeps your body limber and is great exercise. I have met some truly amazing people along the way. Poi is a way to share light and bring happiness to my life and any around me. I started spinning in March 2021. I hit lots of music festivals and hope to get more involved in this scene. SacredDesigns is run by some really cool people and I couldn't be happier to be a part of the team.

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Billy Bloom

They call me Billy Bloom, & I've been taming fire a.k.a Spinning poi for around 4 years. The art is apart of me now, its the greatest thing that's ever happened to me . I spin poi to inspire others and myself. Poi is life.

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Brandon Rossi

Flow artist and Fire performer from Gainesville Florida. Been spinning poi for over 10 years now and diving into all the props as I go. Flow is my daily meditation and always centers me. Grateful for this art and the community I've been surrounded with through it. Check out my work on insta Always open to talk tech, meet other artists and inquire about gigs. 🙏

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Maya Shoup

Maya Shoup, known as Illusionary Arts on stage, has been heavily involved in the movement community since moving to colorado in 2017. Shortly after discovering a passion for poi and fire spinning, she began doing local LED performances at small venues around Denver and Fort Collins. Sharing her new-found love of flow with others sparked even more inspiration within herself to grow as a prop dancer. To enhance her ground performances, Maya is presently training belly dance and ballet fusion, setting her style apart from other flow artists. Her multi-prop fire skill set includes fans, poi, staves, dragon staff, fire torch palms, fire belt, double sword, and fire eating. Within the past year, Maya has attained two flow-related sponsorships (Sacred Designs, UltraPoi) and joined three fire / circus variety groups (Pyroglyphics, Equinox Entertainment Co, Soul Penny Circus). 

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